Home School

Home and School Officers

Ellwood’s Home & School has been re-established and are seeking more parents to become involved. Their Officers include:

N/A – President
N/A – Vice President
N/A- Treasurer
N/A – Secretary

Kudos to Safe Corridors

The Ellwood School is extremely thankful to the volunteer parents serving on the Safe Corridors Team. There are some incidents they interrupt among students in an effort to keep them safe. Under the direction of volunteers, they patrol our two sites during admission and dismissal. When you see them in their yellow vests, give them a shout out and thank them for making our school corridors safer for our children.

School Advisory Councils


SAC Meeting Calendar

Meeting Location: IMC

Month                               Date                                        Time

September                         9/28/2017                             9:00 AM

October                              10/26/2017                            9:00 AM

November                          11/16/2017                             9:00 AM

December                            12/21/2017                            9:00 AM

January                                 1/25/2018                             9:00 AM

February                                2/22/2018                             9:00 AM

March                                     3/22/2018                             9:00 AM

April                                        4/26/2018                              9:00 AM

May                                           5/24/2018                             9:00 AM

June                                             N/A                                           N/A